--- stand_alone: true ipr: none cat: info area: Systems Engineering wg: OSMORA Standards Group docname: OAP-0003 title: OSMORA Secure Tunnel Protocol abbrev: OSTP lang: en kw: - ostp - secure tunnel - networking author: - role: editor name: Ian M. Moffett org: OSMORA city: Washington, DC region: Southeast code: 20020 email: ian@osmora.org --- abstract The OSMORA Secure Tunnel Protocol is highly flexible and secure network protocol designed for peer-to-peer and client-server relay communication. --- middle # Introduction OSTP is a highly flexible protocol designed for establishing a secure link between two or more peers. The design of OSTP makes it easy to build any additional protocol(s) on top (e.g., messaging protocols). ## Purpose The purpose of OSTP is to provide OSMORA members with a secure and trusted method of communication free of any surveillance. The design of OSTP additionally allows others to build additional protocols on top making it fundamental building block of future OSMORA secure protocols. # Requirements Language {::boilerplate bcp14-tagged} # Session Requests If a client wishes to establish a link with a server, it must send a Session Request Packet. Doing so allows the client and server to exchange flags along with required cryptographic keys. All key exchanges under OSTP are done with forward secrecy using the Elliptic-curve Diffie–Hellman key agreement protocol. # Security All OSTP traffic must be under AES-256-GCM and be purely ephemeral. All OSTP nodes, regardless of being in peer-to-peer mode or not, must be stateless and always discard received data after use. # References [OAP-0003] Moffett, I., "OSMORA Secure Tunnel Protocol (OSTP) Rev. 4", OSMORA Standards Group, OAP-0003 \- https://osmora.org/ostp-rev4.pdf