============================== Hyra Contribution Guidelines ============================== !! C PROGRAMMING STYLE !! The .vimrc file that follows this style can be found in share/misc/vimrc Indent width is 4-spaces (NO TABS) The typename must go above the function name like so: static inline bool is_power_of_two(uint8_t n) { if (g_foo) { ... } return ((n & 0x01) == 0); } When checking if an integer is 0 or not, *be explicit* unless it is a bool! Do not do this: #define BLAH 1 if (!BLAH) { ... } Do this instead: if (BLAH == 0) { ... } -- or if it is a bool: #define BLAH true if (!blah) { ... } -- Now, only use predefined integer types in sys/cdefs.h like so: uint8_t a; uint16_t b; uint32_t c; -- All includes must be done with '< >': #include <sys/cdefs.h> -- When including architecture specific things, it would be stupid to include for another architecture. Only include from machine/ which points to the architecture specific files for the current architecture. For example: /* AMD64-specific, in sys/include/arch/amd64/lapic.h */ #include <machine/lapic.h> -- Avoid initializing variables to e.g. 0 unless it seems wise to do so. Try to avoid this: uint8_t foo = 0; ... It is best to do this instead: uint8_t foo; ... foo = some_calculation(); -- One of the only times it is best to do that is when you have a pointer, like, for example: uint8_t *ptr = NULL; ... -- or if you have for example, some sort of counter value that must have a start: uint8_t countdown = COUNTDOWN_START; -- !! COMMIT STYLE !! Keep commits small if possible. Follow commit good practices. - Commit examples - 1) Some manpage update: docs: man: Describe foo in foobar(9) 2) Adding a tool in tools/ build: tools: Create foo This commit adds a new script in tools/ that does x and y ... - Kernel commits - An example of a commit title for a non architecture-specific commit: kernel: foo: Fix bar in foobar An example of an architecture specific commit e.g. for AMD64: kernel/amd64: foo: Add foo in bar - Ready to commit - (BE SURE TO TEST IT!! IDEALLY ON REAL HW TOO IF POSSIBLE!) * Commit with `git commit -sv` * Create patch with `git format-patch -1 HEAD` * Email patch to ian@osmora.org and for better response times, optionally CC to quinn@osmora.org Done! ------------------------------------------------ NOTE TO MAINTAINERS For those who maintain the Hyra repo, when testing a patch, apply it like so: `git am -s patchfile.patch`. If all good, create a new patch and email it to ian@osmora.org