path: root/lib/mlibc/sysdeps/aero/generic/filesystem.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/mlibc/sysdeps/aero/generic/filesystem.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 472 deletions
diff --git a/lib/mlibc/sysdeps/aero/generic/filesystem.cpp b/lib/mlibc/sysdeps/aero/generic/filesystem.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 049f4c0..0000000
--- a/lib/mlibc/sysdeps/aero/generic/filesystem.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,472 +0,0 @@
-#include "mlibc/fsfd_target.hpp"
-#include <aero/syscall.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <dirent.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <mlibc/all-sysdeps.hpp>
-#include <mlibc/debug.hpp>
-namespace mlibc {
-int sys_write(int fd, const void *buffer, size_t count, ssize_t *written) {
- auto result = syscall(SYS_WRITE, fd, buffer, count);
- if (result < 0) {
- return -result;
- }
- *written = result;
- return 0;
-int sys_read(int fd, void *buf, size_t count, ssize_t *bytes_read) {
- auto result = syscall(SYS_READ, fd, buf, count);
- if (result < 0) {
- *bytes_read = 0;
- return -result;
- }
- *bytes_read = result;
- return 0;
-// clang-format off
-int sys_pwrite(int fd, const void *buffer, size_t count, off_t off,
- ssize_t *written) UNIMPLEMENTED("sys_pwrite")
-// clang-format off
-int sys_pread(int fd, void *buf, size_t count,
- off_t off, ssize_t *bytes_read) UNIMPLEMENTED("sys_pread")
-int sys_seek(int fd, off_t offset, int whence, off_t *new_offset) {
- auto result = syscall(SYS_SEEK, fd, offset, whence);
- if (result < 0) {
- return -result;
- }
- *new_offset = result;
- return 0;
-int sys_open(const char *filename, int flags, mode_t mode, int *fd) {
- auto result = syscall(SYS_OPEN, 0, filename, strlen(filename), flags);
- if (result < 0) {
- return -result;
- }
- *fd = result;
- return 0;
-int sys_close(int fd) {
- auto result = syscall(SYS_CLOSE, fd);
- if (result < 0) {
- return -result;
- }
- return 0;
-int sys_access(const char *filename, int mode) {
- auto result =
- syscall(SYS_ACCESS, AT_FDCWD, filename, strlen(filename), mode, 0);
- if (result < 0) {
- return -result;
- }
- return 0;
-int sys_stat(fsfd_target fsfdt, int fd, const char *path, int flags,
- struct stat *statbuf) {
- switch (fsfdt) {
- case fsfd_target::path:
- fd = AT_FDCWD;
- break;
- case fsfd_target::fd:
- flags |= AT_EMPTY_PATH;
- case fsfd_target::fd_path:
- break;
- default:
- __ensure(!"Invalid fsfd_target");
- __builtin_unreachable();
- }
- auto ret = syscall(SYS_FSTAT, fd, path, strlen(path), flags, statbuf);
- if(int e = sc_error(ret); e)
- return e;
- return 0;
-int sys_ioctl(int fd, unsigned long request, void *arg, int *result) {
- auto sys_res = syscall(SYS_IOCTL, fd, request, arg);
- if (sys_res < 0) {
- return -sys_res;
- }
- if (result)
- *result = sys_res;
- return 0;
-int sys_isatty(int fd) {
- // NOTE: The easiest way to check if a file descriptor is a TTY is to
- // do an ioctl of TIOCGWINSZ on it and see if it succeeds :^)
- struct winsize ws;
- int result;
- if (!sys_ioctl(fd, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws, &result)) {
- return 0;
- }
- return ENOTTY;
-int sys_tcgetattr(int fd, struct termios *attr) {
- int result;
- if (int e = sys_ioctl(fd, TCGETS, (void *)attr, &result); e)
- return e;
- return 0;
-int sys_tcsetattr(int fd, int optional_action, const struct termios *attr) {
- int req;
- switch (optional_action) {
- case TCSANOW: req = TCSETS; break;
- case TCSADRAIN: req = TCSETSW; break;
- case TCSAFLUSH: req = TCSETSF; break;
- default: return EINVAL;
- }
- if (int e = sys_ioctl(fd, req, (void *)attr, NULL); e)
- return e;
- return 0;
-int sys_mkdir(const char *path, mode_t) {
- auto result = syscall(SYS_MKDIR, path, strlen(path));
- if (result < 0) {
- return -result;
- }
- return 0;
-int sys_link(const char *srcpath, const char *destpath) {
- auto result =
- syscall(SYS_LINK, srcpath, strlen(srcpath), destpath, strlen(destpath));
- if (result < 0) {
- return -result;
- }
- return 0;
-int sys_rmdir(const char *path) {
- return sys_unlinkat(AT_FDCWD, path, AT_REMOVEDIR);
-int sys_unlinkat(int fd, const char *path, int flags) {
- auto ret = syscall(SYS_UNLINK, fd, path, strlen(path), flags);
- if (int e = sc_error(ret); e)
- return e;
- return 0;
-struct aero_dir_entry {
- size_t inode;
- size_t offset;
- size_t reclen;
- size_t filetyp;
- char name[];
-} __attribute__((__packed__));
-int sys_read_entries(int handle, void *buffer, size_t max_size,
- size_t *bytes_read) {
- auto result = syscall(SYS_GETDENTS, handle, buffer, max_size);
- // Check if we got an error.
- if (result < 0) {
- *bytes_read = 0;
- return -result;
- }
- // Nothing to read.
- if (result == 0) {
- *bytes_read = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- auto entry = (struct aero_dir_entry *)buffer;
- struct dirent dirent = {
- .d_ino = static_cast<ino_t>(entry->inode),
- .d_off = static_cast<off_t>(entry->offset),
- .d_reclen = static_cast<unsigned short>(entry->reclen),
- .d_type = static_cast<unsigned char>(entry->filetyp),
- };
- // The reclen is the size of the dirent struct, plus the size of the name.
- auto name_size = entry->reclen - sizeof(struct aero_dir_entry);
- __ensure(name_size < 255);
- memcpy(&dirent.d_name, entry->name, name_size);
- *bytes_read = entry->reclen;
- memcpy(buffer, &dirent, sizeof(struct dirent));
- return 0;
-int sys_open_dir(const char *path, int *handle) {
- return sys_open(path, O_DIRECTORY, 0, handle);
-int sys_rename(const char *path, const char *new_path) {
- auto result =
- syscall(SYS_RENAME, path, strlen(path), new_path, strlen(new_path));
- if (result < 0) {
- return -result;
- }
- return 0;
-int sys_readlink(const char *path, void *buffer, size_t max_size,
- ssize_t *length) {
- auto result = syscall(SYS_READ_LINK, path, strlen(path), buffer, max_size);
- if (result < 0) {
- return -result;
- }
- *length = result;
- return 0;
-int sys_dup(int fd, int flags, int *newfd) {
- auto result = syscall(SYS_DUP, fd, flags);
- if (result < 0) {
- return -result;
- }
- *newfd = result;
- return 0;
-int sys_dup2(int fd, int flags, int newfd) {
- auto result = syscall(SYS_DUP2, fd, newfd, flags);
- if (result < 0) {
- return -result;
- }
- return 0;
-int sys_fcntl(int fd, int request, va_list args, int *result_value) {
- auto result = syscall(SYS_FCNTL, fd, request, va_arg(args, uint64_t));
- if (result < 0) {
- return -result;
- }
- *result_value = result;
- return 0;
-// int sys_chmod(const char *pathname, mode_t mode) UNIMPLEMENTED("sys_chmod")
-int sys_pipe(int *fds, int flags) {
- auto result = syscall(SYS_PIPE, fds, flags);
- if (result < 0) {
- return -result;
- }
- return 0;
-// epoll API syscalls:
-int sys_epoll_create(int flags, int *fd) {
- auto result = syscall(SYS_EPOLL_CREATE, flags);
- if (result < 0) {
- return -result;
- }
- *fd = result;
- return 0;
-int sys_epoll_ctl(int epfd, int mode, int fd, struct epoll_event *ev) {
- auto result = syscall(SYS_EPOLL_CTL, epfd, mode, fd, ev);
- if (result < 0) {
- return -result;
- }
- return 0;
-int sys_epoll_pwait(int epfd, struct epoll_event *ev, int n, int timeout,
- const sigset_t *sigmask, int *raised) {
- auto result = syscall(SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT, epfd, ev, n, timeout, sigmask);
- if (result < 0) {
- return -result;
- }
- *raised = result;
- return 0;
-int sys_eventfd_create(unsigned int initval, int flags, int *fd) {
- auto result = syscall(SYS_EVENT_FD, initval, flags);
- if (result < 0) {
- return -result;
- }
- *fd = result;
- return 0;
-int sys_ppoll(struct pollfd *fds, int nfds, const struct timespec *timeout,
- const sigset_t *sigmask, int *num_events) {
- auto result = syscall(SYS_POLL, fds, nfds, timeout, sigmask);
- if (result < 0) {
- return -result;
- }
- *num_events = result;
- return 0;
-int sys_poll(struct pollfd *fds, nfds_t count, int timeout, int *num_events) {
- struct timespec ts;
- ts.tv_sec = timeout / 1000;
- ts.tv_nsec = (timeout % 1000) * 1000000;
- return sys_ppoll(fds, count, &ts, NULL, num_events);
-#include <stdio.h>
-int sys_ptsname(int fd, char *buffer, size_t length) {
- int index;
- if (int e = sys_ioctl(fd, TIOCGPTN, &index, NULL); e)
- return e;
- if ((size_t)snprintf(buffer, length, "/dev/pts/%d", index) >= length) {
- return ERANGE;
- }
- return 0;
-int sys_pselect(int num_fds, fd_set *read_set, fd_set *write_set,
- fd_set *except_set, const struct timespec *timeout,
- const sigset_t *sigmask, int *num_events) {
- int fd = epoll_create1(0);
- if (fd == -1)
- return -1;
- for (int k = 0; k < FD_SETSIZE; k++) {
- struct epoll_event ev;
- memset(&ev, 0, sizeof(struct epoll_event));
- if (read_set && FD_ISSET(k, read_set))
- ev.events |= EPOLLIN;
- if (write_set && FD_ISSET(k, write_set))
- ev.events |= EPOLLOUT;
- if (except_set && FD_ISSET(k, except_set))
- ev.events |= EPOLLPRI;
- if (!ev.events)
- continue;
- ev.data.u32 = k;
- if (epoll_ctl(fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, k, &ev))
- return -1;
- }
- struct epoll_event evnts[16];
- int n = epoll_pwait(
- fd, evnts, 16,
- timeout ? (timeout->tv_sec * 1000 + timeout->tv_nsec / 100) : -1,
- sigmask);
- if (n == -1)
- return -1;
- fd_set res_read_set;
- fd_set res_write_set;
- fd_set res_except_set;
- FD_ZERO(&res_read_set);
- FD_ZERO(&res_write_set);
- FD_ZERO(&res_except_set);
- int m = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- int k = evnts[i].data.u32;
- if (read_set && FD_ISSET(k, read_set) &&
- evnts[i].events & (EPOLLIN | EPOLLERR | EPOLLHUP)) {
- FD_SET(k, &res_read_set);
- m++;
- }
- if (write_set && FD_ISSET(k, write_set) &&
- evnts[i].events & (EPOLLOUT | EPOLLERR | EPOLLHUP)) {
- FD_SET(k, &res_write_set);
- m++;
- }
- if (except_set && FD_ISSET(k, except_set) &&
- evnts[i].events & EPOLLPRI) {
- FD_SET(k, &res_except_set);
- m++;
- }
- }
- if (close(fd))
- __ensure("mlibc::pselect: close() failed on epoll file");
- if (read_set)
- memcpy(read_set, &res_read_set, sizeof(fd_set));
- if (write_set)
- memcpy(write_set, &res_write_set, sizeof(fd_set));
- if (except_set)
- memcpy(except_set, &res_except_set, sizeof(fd_set));
- *num_events = m;
- return 0;
-#endif // #ifndef MLIBC_BUILDING_RTDL
-} // namespace mlibc