path: root/lib/mlibc/options/internal/include/mlibc/strtol.hpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/mlibc/options/internal/include/mlibc/strtol.hpp')
1 files changed, 159 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/mlibc/options/internal/include/mlibc/strtol.hpp b/lib/mlibc/options/internal/include/mlibc/strtol.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b8fca9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/mlibc/options/internal/include/mlibc/strtol.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <wctype.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+namespace mlibc {
+template<typename T> struct int_limits {};
+struct int_limits<long> {
+ static long max() { return LONG_MAX; }
+ static long min() { return LONG_MIN; }
+struct int_limits<unsigned long> {
+ static unsigned long max() { return ULONG_MAX; }
+ static unsigned long min() { return 0; }
+struct int_limits<long long> {
+ static long long max() { return LLONG_MAX; }
+ static long long min() { return LLONG_MIN; }
+struct int_limits<unsigned long long> {
+ static unsigned long long max() { return ULLONG_MAX; }
+ static unsigned long long min() { return 0; }
+template<typename T> struct char_detail {};
+struct char_detail<char> {
+ static bool isSpace(char c) { return isspace(c); }
+ static bool isDigit(char c) { return isdigit(c); }
+ static bool isHexDigit(char c) { return isxdigit(c); }
+ static bool isLower(char c) { return islower(c); }
+ static bool isUpper(char c) { return isupper(c); }
+struct char_detail<wchar_t> {
+ static bool isSpace(wchar_t c) { return iswspace(c); }
+ static bool isDigit(wchar_t c) { return iswdigit(c); }
+ static bool isHexDigit(wchar_t c) { return iswxdigit(c); }
+ static bool isLower(wchar_t c) { return iswlower(c); }
+ static bool isUpper(wchar_t c) { return iswupper(c); }
+template<typename Char> Char widen(char c) { return static_cast<Char>(c); }
+template<typename Return, typename Char>
+Return stringToInteger(const Char *__restrict nptr, Char **__restrict endptr, int baseInt) {
+ using UnsignedReturn = std::make_unsigned_t<Return>;
+ auto base = static_cast<Return>(baseInt);
+ auto s = nptr;
+ if (base < 0 || base == 1) {
+ if (endptr)
+ *endptr = const_cast<Char *>(nptr);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ while (char_detail<Char>::isSpace(*s))
+ s++;
+ bool negative = false;
+ if (*s == widen<Char>('-')) {
+ negative = true;
+ s++;
+ } else if (*s == widen<Char>('+')) {
+ s++;
+ }
+ bool hasOctalPrefix = s[0] == widen<Char>('0');
+ bool hasHexPrefix = hasOctalPrefix && (s[1] == widen<Char>('x') || s[1] == widen<Char>('X'));
+ // There's two tricky cases we need to keep in mind here:
+ // 1. We should interpret "0x5" as hex 5 rather than octal 0.
+ // 2. We should interpret "0x" as octal 0 (and set endptr correctly).
+ // To deal with 2, we check the charcacter following the hex prefix.
+ if ((base == 0 || base == 16) && hasHexPrefix && char_detail<Char>::isHexDigit(s[2])) {
+ s += 2;
+ base = 16;
+ } else if ((base == 0 || base == 8) && hasOctalPrefix) {
+ base = 8;
+ } else if (base == 0) {
+ base = 10;
+ }
+ // Compute the range of acceptable values.
+ UnsignedReturn cutoff, cutlim;
+ if (std::is_unsigned_v<Return>) {
+ cutoff = int_limits<Return>::max() / base;
+ cutlim = int_limits<Return>::max() % base;
+ } else {
+ Return co = negative ? int_limits<Return>::min() : int_limits<Return>::max();
+ cutlim = negative ? -(co % base) : co % base;
+ co /= negative ? -base : base;
+ cutoff = co;
+ }
+ UnsignedReturn totalValue = 0;
+ bool convertedAny = false;
+ bool outOfRange = false;
+ for (Char c = *s; c != widen<Char>('\0'); c = *++s) {
+ UnsignedReturn digitValue;
+ if (char_detail<Char>::isDigit(c))
+ digitValue = c - widen<Char>('0');
+ else if (char_detail<Char>::isUpper(c))
+ digitValue = c - widen<Char>('A') + 10;
+ else if (char_detail<Char>::isLower(c))
+ digitValue = c - widen<Char>('a') + 10;
+ else
+ break;
+ if (digitValue >= static_cast<UnsignedReturn>(base))
+ break;
+ if (outOfRange) {
+ // The value is already known to be out of range, but we need to keep
+ // consuming characters until we can't (to set endptr correctly).
+ } else if (totalValue > cutoff || (totalValue == cutoff && digitValue > cutlim)) {
+ // The value will be out of range if we accumulate digitValue.
+ outOfRange = true;
+ } else {
+ totalValue = (totalValue * base) + digitValue;
+ convertedAny = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (endptr)
+ *endptr = const_cast<Char *>(convertedAny ? s : nptr);
+ if (outOfRange) {
+ errno = ERANGE;
+ if (std::is_unsigned_v<Return>) {
+ return int_limits<Return>::max();
+ } else {
+ return negative ? int_limits<Return>::min() : int_limits<Return>::max();
+ }
+ }
+ return negative ? -totalValue : totalValue;